Balanced relationships

Blog #263

As I sat on the back deck, staring glassy-eyed into the woods, Reka sensed that I needed some quiet time. I had done a full day session with a challenging team, and I all really wanted to do was nothing. I did not want to read a book or go for a walk, and I especially did not want to talk anymore.

That is, until the phone rang…

It was a potential client I had been hoping to connect with. I fidgeted, sat up straight, and put enthusiasm into my voice as I answered the call. Reka, who is always supportive of my efforts to help others, witnessed this change in my demeanor – and I could see frustration in her eyes. It seems like I was willing to talk more, but not with her.

This realization hit me as soon as I saw her face. And it stung. No, I am not proud of it. She was right and I deserved it.

One of the biggest things I preach when working individually with senior leaders is the need to have a holistic, well-rounded, and balanced life. I strongly believe that the more balanced a person is in their relationships, health, financial, and work life, the more effective they will be as a leader and visionary. For example, if someone is crushing it at work, yet they are dealing with challenges at home or with their health, they probably are not being as effective as they could be at the office. Even if it appears to others that they are doing well, they could be leaving a ton of potential on the table because of the personal distractions. On the flipside, if your home life is balanced, but your work sucks, this will negatively impact things at home.

I am not saying that I think we can have complete balance, every single day – especially as the owner or senior leader. I certainly don’t have that balance yet. I occasionally have 14-hour days, and candidly, I usually love them, although I am more of a useless puddle when I get home than I care to admit. Reka gets it and knows that is how I am wired. She supports it. But on days that like that, I need to remember my last pitch of the day.

The senior leaders and business owners I know usually have a little left in reserve, even when the tank feels completely empty. Somewhere within, there is another five minutes of “on”, if needed. And when given the chance to make one more pitch, these folks can always dig a little deeper.

Years ago, I heard someone talk about making your last pitch of the day your best pitch of the day. The last pitch is the one you make to your partner and/or family when you come home. We tend to take those closest to us for granted. The reality is we should be protecting and investing in those relationships the most. When you take the time to do this, the energy you receive will help you to become the best version of you. You will improve at listening, being present, and being a leader.

When you go home tonight, even if the day had amazing business highs and lows and the tank is feeling empty, I encourage you to keep this in mind. As you walk to your front door and prepare to turn the knob, pause, take a breath, and smile. Remember to make your last pitch of the day your best pitch.

Are you making your last pitch of the day your best pitch? Are you interested in embracing this in your personal and professional life? We can help with that! Contact us today to learn more.

Keep Smiling,


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