Yes, You Can! 5 Ways to Ensure How, Part 2 – Achieve

Yes, You Can! 5 Ways to Ensure How, Part 2 – Achieve

Blog #208 Last week, we discussed my favorite quote from Henry Ford, which is, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”. In that post, we talked about the first two steps to achieve your dreams, how to dream big, and the ins and outs of a simple visualization process. This…

Ready to enter the Arena

Enter the Arena

In Paris on April 23, 1910, retired US President Theodore Roosevelt delivered one of his greatest speeches. He closed with the quote at the end of this blog. Reka recently asked me to join her for a day-and-a-half-long workshop based on the work of Brené Brown. Since we’re now providing and refining couples retreats of…

Know Thyself

Know Thyself

My wife, Reka, and I were recently at a conference in San Diego, where I met Steadman Graham, most known for being Oprah’s significant other. It was a small conference organized by Steve Farber, an author and friend of mine. Steve wrote The Radical Leap and his new book, Love Is Just Damn Good Business,…

self talk

Head Trash: Three Tips For Controlling Your Internal Dialogue

For many years of my life, when asked a question I felt insecure about, I’d outwardly say one thing, but if I was honest with myself, I’d be feeling something a bit different. My external dialogue and my feelings didn’t always match up. An example is how I’d compare my level of successes with others….