
5 Questions About Social Media You Didn’t Know but Were too Afraid to Ask

Originally posted in November 2014 by Social Media Contractors A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky to get the opportunity to present a webinar about social media to a group of Entrepreneurs’ Organization Global members. As a fellow EO Nebraska member, I felt privileged when asked to help. Titled How to Effectively Use Social Media for Recruiting, Brand…

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Four Pillars of a Great Life Part II: Accountability

Originally posted in July 2015 by Social Media Contractors It is great if you’re buying into the idea that a well-balanced life consists of a balance of these four pillars:       Personal Health       A Secure Relationship       Financial and Physical Security       Passion For What You Do But let’s be real, there are a ton of emotions associated with…


Four Pillars of a Great Life Part III: Health

Originally posted in August 2015 by Social Media Contractors Thanks for tuning in to my ongoing blog series on what makes a great life! It is now time to talk about each of the individual pillars of a well-balanced life: Personal Health A Secure Relationship Financial and Physical Security Passion For What You Do The question comes…

peanut butter and jelly a great relationship

Four Pillars of a Great Life: a Secure Relationship

Originally posted in August 2015 by Social Media Contractors Peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots, or yin and yang. However you look at it, finding a complimentary companion is the beginning of a secure relationship. In some cases, two loving companions may enjoy spending all their free time together, doing everything together. In other cases, you…


Four Pillars of a Great Life Part IV: Financial Security

Originally posted in August 2015 by Social Media Contractors Just two generations ago, the populations of the western world knew and directly experienced famine, disease epidemics, genocide, and massive loss of life in wars. Today’s millennial generation’s only exposure to these realities is often only in school, movies, and online. My parents were children of the depression,…


Four Pillars of a Great Life Part V, Pillar IV: Passion

Originally posted in September 2015 by Social Media Contractors I am going to embarrass myself a bit here. As I said earlier on, I recently had some major surgery that required me to remain inactive and because of this I consumed much more than my fill of bad TV. At the same time I am pondering the…


Learning from Millennials

Originally posted in October 2015 by Social Media Contractors Recently I was asked to give a talk at Creighton University about business to business content marketing.  Before the lecture, I was talking with a professor and we were comparing notes about teaching and working with millennials.  We agreed that we “old guys” have a huge opportunity to…