
Live extraordinary

Teddy Roosevelt

Daring Greatly

Blog #297 Recently, I spoke with a friend who was trying out online dating. It was challenging for her and she was feeling some frustration…but she kept going and worked through it. I decided to read this quote to her from Teddy Roosevelt’s speech delivered at the Sorbonne in Paris, France in 1910: It is…


Blog #294 Me: How are you sleeping? New coaching client: What the hell does that have to do with anything? Me: If you want to be a truly effective and great leader, everything. This is a common conversation with new (and often Type A) coaching clients. It is my opinion that to be a truly effective senior leader,…

A Pregnant Pause

Blog #290 The definition of a ‘pregnant pause’ is suggested as a break in conversation that builds suspense for dramatic effect, or that it engenders an expectation (“pregnant” = “expecting”). It is often used with great effect in comedy; however, when combined with being present, this can become an amazing tool in your home and…