
Live extraordinary

Wandering Eyes

Blog #287 Okay, this blog is going to be 100% honest and probably a bit uncomfortable, but I believe there is immense value in it. Here goes nothing… Not long ago, my wife, Reka, and I were experiencing some challenges. When we went out to dinner, my eyes occasionally wandered. Sometimes, I received dirty looks…

Is Your Company’s Success All It Appears To Be?

Blog #285 As the companies I work with continue growing, I noticed a few common themes. I often collaborate with teams that have been acquired by large “successful” companies. In some cases, these are private or private equity, while others, they may be publicly traded. From the outside, these acquiring companies seem to be smooth-running,…

Leadership Growing Pains

Blog #284 Many of the organizations I work with experience missteps in hiring as their leadership teams grow. The transition from leaders who are doers to true leaders and coaches is one of the biggest challenges teams face. The reality is, most organizations grow as a result of the hard-working entrepreneurial spirit, the “do-whatever-it-takes” mentality….