
Live extraordinary

Non-Traditional Success Metrics

Blog #270 Last week, in Blog #269 (Maximizing Traditional Success Metrics), we explored the traditional success metrics that typically focus on our professional lives and the type of compensation we receive at work. In this week’s blog, we will further discuss the right-brained success metrics regarding the Health and Relationships quadrants of The Life Balance…
Define success on your terms

Define Success on Your Terms

Blog #267 True success is rarely measured by the size of your bank account, the car you drive, or the neighborhood you live in. During these challenging times, many people are reflecting and taking stock of what is really important based on their own values. Family, health, quality time, work environment, and financial stability all…
think more

Do Less, Think More

Blog #266 In the next 12 months, countless organizations that are run by well-intending leaders (who are “working harder”) will run off the cliff of failure. Don’t let this be you! For many senior business leaders and owners, our default setting during challenging times is often ‘Work Harder’. Typically, this is a result of how…