
With Social Media, Emotion is (Sometimes) the Answer

Originally posted in May 2013 by Social Media Contractors This past weekend, one of my dearest friends lost his father to cancer. While I struggled with seeing my friend in pain, I hate to admit that at first, I didn’t really feel much of a sense of loss. It wasn’t until I logged onto Facebook and…


Social Media Across Borders: 3 Rules for International Business

Originally posted in April 2013 by Social Media Contractors I recently hosted a gentleman in my home from Brazil. He is an economist visiting the U.S. through an outreach experience. I enjoyed watching how much he embraced and used certain online tools and social media platforms. Like most people, he probably would have felt lost…


Why Posting Meaningful Content Matters on Social Media

Originally posted in May 2014 by Social Media Contractors For a company like ours that thrives on social media, you’d think the last thing we’d tell you is to not worry about how much content you are posting on your social media platforms. And, for the most part, that’s true. As John pointed out in his post…