Manage your subcontractor

3 Easy Steps for Managing Subcontractors

Blog #212 As our economy begins to grow towards more of a Solopreneur/gig-based economy, I often see a clear disconnect with subcontractors. What I mean by this is that whether you are hiring contractors, or you are a contractor yourself, managing this dynamic is important to ensuring a good fit and boundless long-term success. Here,…


Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should – Delegate!

Blog #216 I often see this challenge with smart people. Typically, these are people who can figure out how to do almost anything…but the real question is just because they can, does it mean they should? More often than not, the answer is no, they shouldn’t do it. An easy way to determine this is…

Green Leadership Teams

Green Leadership Teams

In the 1980s, there was a popular Muppet character named Kermit the Frog. This colorful hand puppet had a charming personality, a good heart, and was green. He sang a somewhat self-indulgent, self-loathing song that went “It’s not easy being green…” (See video clip:   I can hear you saying, “Kluver…what are you smoking? What…

Delegate and Elevate: Are the Members of Your Team in the Right Seats?

Delegate and Elevate: Are the Members of Your Team in the Right Seats?

If you’re like most business owners who have started their business from scratch, or if you have seen a big growth spurt and you’re acknowledging that you can’t do it all, it’s time to learn to delegate.  While in startup mode, you likely did everything. (And I mean everything!) You had your hands in the…

waste of time
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How Poorly Invested Time is Hurting You and What to Do About It

Lately, I have come across folks that are facing the challenge of having enough time. When you think about it, it’s our most valuable commodity. It is same for everyone and it’s completely up to us in how we invest it. Take for example billionaire Warren Buffett: he has the exact amount of time as everyone…

Breaking Through Your 5-Year Ceiling: Delegate & Elevate
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Breaking Through Your 5-Year Ceiling: Delegate & Elevate

In most cases, we as entrepreneurs are our own biggest obstacle to growth. As a business owner, your ability to break through these ceilings is fundamentally reliant upon your ability to master these 5 tools. Let’s take a look at how delegation can elevate your business beyond those challenging 5-year ceilings, one step at a…