Enter the Arena

Enter the Arena

In Paris on April 23, 1910, retired US President Theodore Roosevelt delivered one of his greatest speeches. He closed with the quote at the end of this blog. Reka recently asked me to join her for a day-and-a-half-long workshop based on the work of Brené Brown. Since we’re now providing and refining couples retreats of…

It All Comes Down to Execution

It All Comes Down to Execution

“Vision without execution is hallucination.”                                                                     – Thomas Edison Okay, let’s recap. So far, you’ve learned to establish goals, build a plan accordingly, visualize success, shift your perspective, and create impactful, doable lists to achieve your dreams. You’ve made it this far and you’ve done amazing work; in fact, you’ve joined a very small minority…

You Need To Know This First to Decide Where You’re Going

You Need To Know This First to Decide Where You’re Going

In previous blogs, I outlined why family goal setting works and how reviewing past victories can help prepare you for goal setting and ensuring you’re in the right frame of mind for creating clear, bold, and healthy goals. Knowing your true motivations and direction in life is important. There are 100+ tools out there that…