
Live extraordinary


Starting and Growing Your Business Should Be a No-Brainer

There has never been an easier time to start and operate a small business. We live in the most abundant time humans have ever experienced; entrepreneurship is widely embraced and entrepreneurs are celebrated.  Startups have vast access to data, research, and opinions like never before.  Fantastic technology exists that simplifies barriers to start-up and create…
best self

Becoming My Best Self

As I reflect on 2017, I am attempting to practice what I preach. I want to be sure to embrace all the wonderful experiences, both amazing & challenging, that made the year I turned 50 so productive and fun. I have been so very fortunate and humbled to see the progress and spectacular growth within…

Slow to Go Fast

Reka, my wife, slowly let out a breath. I heard the click of the safety on her 308 rifle snap off.  As she took another slow breath and let it out I could see the muscles in her hand begin to tighten.  I knew she was going to take the shot. As I have often…