
Live extraordinary

Your Best Self

Blog #283 It is my strong belief that for anyone to be a great leader, they have to ensure they are their best selves in all aspects of life. What I mean by this is a leader needs to be healthy and well-rounded on a holistic level. For example, if you are making good money,…
Embracing change in your environment

Embracing Change

Blog #282 As human beings, we tend to fear change because of the unknown. I read something suggesting human beings are the only animals to look at the past with nothing but fondness and to the future with nothing but trepidation – even though there is almost no data to suggest anything but the opposite….

Exodus Goes Public

Blog #281 On Friday, February 26th, Exodus Movement Inc, a blockchain wallet and exchange resource for cryptocurrency, received approval from the SEC to formally announce their intention to go public through a Regulation A offering.  Click on the links below to read more about this. In late 2019, I was brought in…

Group Clarity Time

Blog #278 As the saying goes, “The cobbler’s children have no shoes.” Recently, I was able to get together with the core people on my team for a multi-day retreat. We met at our new second home/small retreat house in the high country of Colorado – and it worked great! Throughout our time there, we…