Book launch

The Aspiring Solopreneur Book Launches

Excited to announce that my new book, The Aspiring Solopreneur, will be launching on September 3rd. The book is a step-by-step guide to help you escape from “office hell” and become your own boss. Whether you’re thinking about opening a roofing business, a law firm, a medical practice, or embarking on any other entrepreneurial endeavor,…

Transition bridge

The 4 Stages of Business Evolution, Stage 2 – Transition

Blog #204 As introduced in my most recent blog, #203 and Stage 1 of this series, I believe there are four distinct stages that companies experience on their way to thriving. They are as follows: Last week, we discussed the first and most common stage, Reactive and Stuck. This week, we will discuss the second…

Business evolution and growth

The 4 Stages of Business Evolution, Stage 1- Reactive

Blog #203 Helping organizations get to the next level and beyond is my specialty. I feel that I am clarifying and defining the growth curve due to a combination of working with some new organizations along with several mid- and long-term clients. I believe there are typically four stages in the evolutionary path that these…

empty park bench

A CEO Passes On, Now What?: Hit by a Bus, Part 2

Blog #201 In my last blog, #200, I outlined a high-level workshop I do with leadership teams that is designed to get the team thinking about identifying and documenting continuity challenges they would face if any one of them was “Hit by a Bus”. This blog describes a more specific exercise and the impact it…