
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

                                                                    – Henry David Thoreau

So far, we’ve discussed the ins and outs of the goal-setting process, the value of visualization, how to establish Quarterly Objectives, and the power of checking items off the One and Done lists. Let’s now take a look at the role perspective plays:

It may come as no surprise that how we choose to look at things can have a major impact in how we approach them. I see this time and time again in my advisory practice. I firmly believe that how we look at things can evolve into a habit, leaving a profound impact on our lives. In an extreme example, someone I was working with called me and told me he had just been fired. I said, “Congratulations.” He responded with, “Why are you being a dick?” To which I replied, “I’m not. I really mean it. I know you – you’re an attorney and a really smart guy. If you were just fired, it’s likely because you were doing a crappy job, and that would only be the case because you were in a job you didn’t really love. So, congratulations, your employer just gave you the kick in the butt you needed to go out into this amazing world and find what will make you happy.” It took a little time, but he did find the right fit for him.

The point of the story is there’s always a different way at looking at situation. Are you the person who looks for the negative and dangers or for positives and opportunities? It’s all in your perspective. Virtually anything can have a positive spin if approached with the right mindset. Life throws curve balls at all of us; some of our lessor decisions of the past may result in future consequences. When possible, take a moment to consider the other side of this issue and if there’s a different way to regard it as an opportunity or challenge.

The section listed in the Our Best Life Plan as Opportunities & Challenges is intended to be a place to document opportunities or challenges that you would like to or flat out should address at some point in the future. These are different than Goals, Quarterlies, or One & Dones because they’re important, but not for the next year. It’s a way of documenting them, but not focusing on them for now.

Reka and I have chosen to break them down into three separate areas: financial, stuff, and time. Here are a few examples:

  • Retire certain debt associated with some commercial property
  • Update our wills
  • Create a foundation
  • Obtain a Ben Franklin and Ernest Shackleton autographs (personal heroes of mine)
  • Live overseas for month or more at a time

In all these cases, these will be things we will address, just not this year. They’re on the radar, but won’t take up any energy. Get them off your plate so you can take the time to focus on living and embracing today. Keep it positive and see where the opportunities lie.

The following blog will focus on my personal favorite, the Bucket List.

Do you know what your opportunities and challenges are? Do you need a little help gaining perspective? We’re always here to help, reach out anytime! No expectation or obligation.

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