It’s Time to Embrace the Power of Visualization

It’s Time to Embrace the Power of Visualization

“You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going because you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra Previously, I outlined why goals work, how reviewing past victories can put you in the right frame of mind for creating healthy goals, and why knowing your priorities in life – your True North…

You Need To Know This First to Decide Where You’re Going

You Need To Know This First to Decide Where You’re Going

In previous blogs, I outlined why family goal setting works and how reviewing past victories can help prepare you for goal setting and ensuring you’re in the right frame of mind for creating clear, bold, and healthy goals. Knowing your true motivations and direction in life is important. There are 100+ tools out there that…

You Need to Take Time to Celebrate Your Victories

You Need to Take Time to Celebrate Your Victories

Last week’s post began outlining the approach Reka and I used to create our annual family goals. Here are the major takeaways: Reka and I have been developing and achieving doing goals together for almost 20 years and we firmly believe they work Our goals have shifted to a more balanced focus on what’s really…

Starting and Growing Your Business Should Be a No-Brainer

Starting and Growing Your Business Should Be a No-Brainer

There has never been an easier time to start and operate a small business. We live in the most abundant time humans have ever experienced; entrepreneurship is widely embraced and entrepreneurs are celebrated.  Startups have vast access to data, research, and opinions like never before.  Fantastic technology exists that simplifies barriers to start-up and create…