Permission to Fail: How To Turn “I Can’t” Into “I Can”

Permission to Fail: How To Turn “I Can’t” Into “I Can”

Words matter.  I have no doubt in my mind that the most important and valued words are those we say to ourselves, about ourselves. Unfortunately, more often and not, we use this habit negatively. The GREAT news is that we have the ability to embrace positivity and abundance for our own benefit. The words we…


Is Modern Education Actually a Disservice to our Students?

Today’s education doesn’t always teach students how to connect the dots. In this post, I’m going to wade in with some political opinions that may or may not necessarily be embraced by everyone, especially the educated elite. If you find this blog to be offensive, I would love to hear your feedback and opinion in…


Millennials and Work Ethic, Part II

In previous blogs, we’ve talked about the relationships between Gen-Xers and millennials. We have also covered what truly motivates and inspires millennials. This week, we’re going to discuss how those concepts apply in a real-world work environment. If you missed last week’s post, where we talk about why millennials are motivated differently than previous generations,…


Roles vs. Titles

Here’s the takeaway: For the most part, titles are seldom relevant. What really matters is that employees understand exactly what they’re accountable for, and how their role helps the company achieve their objectives. To me, it’s only on rare occasions that titles can be important. If you’re meeting with another senior leader, knowing their title…