Delegate tasks to your employees to avoid burnout
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Accountability Chart & Delegation

Here’s the takeaway: An Accountability Chart simplifies delegation. When business owners first launch their business, it’s just them. For many solopreneurs, they are the company. This means that delegating can be nearly impossible or they have to go to an outside contractor. How can they find other people who can carry things on just as…

Huddle up - structure for accountability

How To Structure for Accountability

Here’s the takeaway: Each role should be accountable for three to five responsibilities, not 87. As leaders, it’s our obligation to make sure that everybody knows what they’re supposed to do. If two people are accountable for an organization’s function, nobody’s accountable. Only one person can be accountable at any one time for a task….

Visionary in business

Integrator or Visionary: What’s the Difference?

Here’s the takeaway of this post: An Integrator is a great filter between a Visionary and the team. As we build an efficient structure for this company, the general intention is that we go through and start with structure, what it is that people want. Then, we build the right structure of what it should…

How to Create The Ideal Leadership Team

How to Create The Ideal Leadership Team

Here’s the takeaway: Design your company structure with clear roles in mind. In my last post, we outlined how visualization is the key to creating an efficient structure. First, your leadership team should imagine that they’re high-paid consultants for another company in any distant but similar city (for Omaha, I often use Austin, Texas). This…

Breaking Through Your 5-Year Ceiling: Delegate & Elevate
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Breaking Through Your 5-Year Ceiling: Delegate & Elevate

In most cases, we as entrepreneurs are our own biggest obstacle to growth. As a business owner, your ability to break through these ceilings is fundamentally reliant upon your ability to master these 5 tools. Let’s take a look at how delegation can elevate your business beyond those challenging 5-year ceilings, one step at a…

Breaking Through Your 5-Year Ceiling: Simplify

Breaking Through Your 5-Year Ceiling: Simplify

As you navigate the ups and downs of owning and running your business, you’ll find that though almost nothing is certain, many things do emerge as patterns we can recognize and improve upon. One of those things is the 5-year ceiling: it’s this idea that after 5 years, an obstacle emerges that challenges your ability…


Learning from Millennials

Originally posted in October 2015 by Social Media Contractors Recently I was asked to give a talk at Creighton University about business to business content marketing.  Before the lecture, I was talking with a professor and we were comparing notes about teaching and working with millennials.  We agreed that we “old guys” have a huge opportunity to…