Who, Not How

Who, Not How

Not long ago, I was privileged to attend a presentation by Dan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, a business coaching experience for entrepreneurs. I’m a huge fan of his writing and know a few people who have participated in his experiences. It was fun and enlightening to hear his perspectives on things. One of…

lazy dog

Sometimes Great Managers Should Act Lazy

Oftentimes, the individuals involved have worked their way up the ladder and are now in a place where they need to focus their time on the bigger picture: leading their teams and coaching their managers. This pivot of attention involves more responsibility and awareness, doesn’t provide the immediate gratification of solving a problem, and requires…

Accountability Chart & Delegation
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Accountability Chart & Delegation

Here’s the takeaway: An Accountability Chart simplifies delegation. When business owners first launch their business, it’s just them. For many solopreneurs, they are the company. This means that delegating can be nearly impossible or they have to go to an outside contractor. How can they find other people who can carry things on just as…

Delegate and Elevate: Are the Members of Your Team in the Right Seats?

Delegate and Elevate: Are the Members of Your Team in the Right Seats?

If you’re like most business owners who have started their business from scratch, or if you have seen a big growth spurt and you’re acknowledging that you can’t do it all, it’s time to learn to delegate.  While in startup mode, you likely did everything. (And I mean everything!) You had your hands in the…