
Live extraordinary


Why You Need Clarity Breaks

Here’s the takeaway: Clarity breaks give your brain the space, and time, to work on higher-level concerns.  Our subconscious mind is an unbelievably powerful, fantastic tool, but we don’t really understand and utilize it as well as we could or should. It is my belief that our subconscious is always processing challenges and whatever other…

How to Make Your Core Values Stick

Here’s the takeaway: Simple, clear Core Values stick when A: they’ve been heard seven times and B: The leadership team genuinely lives them. This is something we preach across the board from a management perspective: People have to hear something seven times to hear it once. If you’re the type of person that goes ballistic…

Do Your Values Really Mean Something?

Here’s the takeaway: Companies need to avoid these three traps when defining their core values.  There’s a great Harvard Business Review article on core values by Patrick Lencioni, who is probably the most brilliant guy in the space. He identifies three value traps, mistakes companies often make when defining their core values. If they fall…