Write Your To-Do List

One & Dones: The Ultimate To Do List

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent van Gogh In earlier blogs, we examined why goals work, the benefits of creating a solid goals, how to visualize success, and the importance of establishing Quarterly Objectives. Now, it’s time to line ‘em up and knock ‘em down. I’ve been…

Quarterly Objectives - Increase Metrics

How to Create Successful Quarterly Objectives

“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” – General Creighton Abrams In earlier blogs, we explored why goals work, what well-rounded goals address, and started building some basic ideas on what  success will look like when the new year comes to a close. We’ve also outlined your specific goals…now it’s time…

Recruiting in Omaha, NE

How to Effectively Recruit Quality People to Omaha

Stop focusing on what Omaha is not.  Don’t try to compete with big city/coastal amenities.  Focus on what Omaha is, what Omaha’s values are, and recruit people on those benefits and values.  When you think about it, those really are “our people”. Earlier this year, I went to a small breakfast with senior business leaders…


Millennials and Work Ethic, Part II

In previous blogs, we’ve talked about the relationships between Gen-Xers and millennials. We have also covered what truly motivates and inspires millennials. This week, we’re going to discuss how those concepts apply in a real-world work environment. If you missed last week’s post, where we talk about why millennials are motivated differently than previous generations,…


Roles vs. Titles

Here’s the takeaway: For the most part, titles are seldom relevant. What really matters is that employees understand exactly what they’re accountable for, and how their role helps the company achieve their objectives. To me, it’s only on rare occasions that titles can be important. If you’re meeting with another senior leader, knowing their title…